Women wear Men wear Women and men wear Youthful clothes Outerwear Perfumes and cosmetics Supermarket Baby goods Bijouterie, watches, jewelry Electronics, mobiles Underwear and tights Shoes, bags, leather products Domestic appliances and electronics Homeware Jewelry and watches Other goods and services
Immerse yourself into world
of cinema together with Arman cinema!
Если вы добираетесь общественным транспортом, то к нам едут 11 маршрутных автобусов, таких как:
10, 12, 27, 35, 40, 41, 43,46, 47, 117, 118.
For partners
If you want to open your store in Asia Park
+7 (7172) 97 87 67 или omilovanova@arcada.kz
If you are interested in advertising spaces or running of events
+7 (7172) 97 87 67 или atatagulova@arcada.kz
General issues:
For all questions, comments and suggestions
+7 (7172) 97 87 67 или mega@arcada.kz